torching vehicles with 19 passengers
Bangladesh is on the axis of evil of religious fanaticism .Several fundamental groups nursing terrorism in Bangladesh but unfortunately USA and EU are responding in wrong way.This is a bad game of super power USA and western media.So strange that peoples are burning in the public vehicles and transports ,few hours ago 19 peoples are attacked in a bus at busy road, Sahabagh, of the capital city of Bangladesh and some miscreants through petrol bomb on them ,consequently one is dead in the hospital and others 18 are suffering in the hospital bed. Very bad culture that this rubbish and inhuman hartel or strike mechanism was not in Bengali culture,it is imported from foreign land
I think this is a bad impact of globalization. Not only this some so called foreign media makes turbulent to save these miscreants
and go ahead one step shouting that the war criminals are not getting fair justice,actually the western media do not know how cruel these war-criminals who are slaughtering civil people in 1971,who killed lac lac mass people and made hundreds of genocide.